We are holding a photo contest to showcase the night views that the Tama region is so proud of. Night views, illuminations, light-ups, beautiful night scenes around the city”… anything is OK. Please submit beautiful night photos of the Tama region that are surprising and/or unknown to most. Winners will receive small prizes as a token of our appreciation.
1名様 小澤酒造
大吟醸・朱升・前掛けなど 総額2万円セット
1 winner Ozawa Brewery
Daiginjo, red sake cup, apron, etc. Total set value: 20,000 yen
各1名様 拝島・アンテナショップ「たまてばこ」セレクト 多摩地域の名産品 総額1万円セット
1 winner for each category Haijima Antenna Shop “Tamatebako” selection Tama region specialties Total set value: 10,000 yen
The one winner in each category will receive a 3,000 yen Amazon gift card.
“Showa Retro Night View Award”, “Neon Night View Award”, “Evening View Award”, “Future Landscape of Tama Award”, “Festival Night View Award”
Official Instagram account of AT-TAMA
ハッシュタグ「#多摩の夜景2024」もしくは「♯TokyoTAMA Night View 2024」をつけてInstagram で投稿ください。必ず、「撮影した場所名」を「♯◎◎◎◎」と付けて投稿!
Please post on Instagram with the hashtag “#TamaRegionNightView2024” or “#TokyoTAMANightView2024”. Be sure to include the “name of the location where the photo was taken” as “#◎◎◎◎”.
Also, please include the location of the photo and any episodes or titles related to the shooting. It’s okay to paste the URL of your note or blog for the episode!
「よみうりランドの噴水ショー『LOVE EARTH(地球への愛)』」
(1)Submitted Works
(2)Use of Works
(3)Notification of Award
(4)Shipping of Prizes
(5)Handling of Information
主催:多摩観光推進協議会 https://tama-kankou.tokyo/
運営:(株)グッドライフ多摩 問い合わせ:info@tama-mediacenter.jp